How to Restrict Bookings?

Several times, You find some customers book multiple slots unnecessarily that may obstruct your booking slots and is ultimately affects your potential customers to book their preferred slots. This may affect your income.

To get rid of it, restrict booking add-on is introduced using which you can restrict customer's booking based on email or token or any number of days.You can create rules based on which you can prevent fake bookings on any of the product of your choice.

In order to make use of this add-on, You need to first install it to the Booking Commerce.

Follow the steps to INSTALL & CONFIGURE Restrict Booking Add-on:

  • Go to Add-On section on the Booking Commerce dashboard.
  • Visit the Restrict Booking section and click the install button.


To configure the restrict booking add-on, you need to visit the Configure section and Create Rules based on which you want to restrict customer's bookings.

Create Restriction Rules

Firstly, you need to create rules based on which bookings will be restricted.

Restriction can be applied in 4 ways:

  • You can restrict bookings that are already booked.
  • Allow bookings based on Emails.
  • Allow Bookings based on Token.
  • Allow Bookings after a particular number of days.


Select the way you want to restrict bookings and choose the products on which you want to apply restrictions. That is how restriction is applied per product.

This is all about the Restrict booking add-on of Booking Commerce.

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